Project parameters

8 days

1,500 expected viewers

Qual and quant

Italy, France and Sweden

The challenge

Demand for the global film and TV show market is on an upward trajectory. However, an effective communication strategy is vital to ensure the film or show captures the attention of potential viewers in the highly crowded entertainment space. This leading media and entertainment studio needed to gather audience insights to identify the aspects of the show that would be most effective at attracting new viewers and at engaging fans of the original spin-off series. While Italy and France were considered easy to reach, Sweden was more difficult. A round of upcoming pitches for distribution deals also added the complexity of tight turnaround times.

“Immediacy and depth of insight was required to allow us to fine-tune our messaging in record time" shared the company’s Vice President of Research, EMEA.

The action

The client team had already conducted a number of traditional, static surveys, as well as a qualitative focus group. However, they felt the findings were disjointed and were therefore, not actionable. The time taken to conduct the focus group had also eaten into their strategy time. As such, they required a combined approach to deliver rich and robust insights at speed that would bring to life the language of the consumer and the ‘why’ behind their perceptions.

Streetbees harnessed its community of bees (consumers) in Italy, France and Sweden and its AI-powered mobile app to capture qualitative and quantitative insights from 1,500 expected viewers, as well as 20 consumer-generated videos.

Using the SBX tool, the client team created a fully fledged research brief and conversation guide to capture the hopes and expectations of future viewers. The tool then conversed with these future viewers through the app using a combination of closed-text and open-text questions, which it optimised in real time to delve deeper into what they shared.

This resulted in thousands of rich verbatims and 20 video responses that were then coded and quantified to identify audience and market opportunities. All of this was delivered in a tailored, interactive dashboard in just over a week.

The outcome

Armed with rich insights and clear recommendations, the client team put together a strategy to address key viewer concerns and deliver targeted messaging that would resonate strongly with their audience.

The strategy was incorporated into the pitches to enhance the audience narrative, settle any potential reservations and support continued growth in distribution and viewer engagement. The videos were leveraged during the pitches to bring the audience's hopes and expectations to life and the language used by future viewers fed into messaging and positioning.

“The authenticity of consumer feedback, combined with robust qualitative and quantitative data, enabled us to showcase how we can resonate with new audiences and secure critical distribution deals.”